The other night as I was brushing my teeth before going to bed, I looked at the old man staring back at me in the mirror.  He was very different from the person I was in high school.  Or the young man in the Navy.  Or the business road warrior that effortlessly sprinted through airports.  This reflection was different.

Starting at the top, I have a bald patch wide enough to land a plane on.  The hair on the sides and back of my head sticks straight out right now unless I wear a hat, which is another reason I’ve recently adopted the flat newsboy cap.  It deemphasizes my baldness and keeps everything in place. I thought the shaved head era was somewhat intimidating so I thought I’d see what my hair might do.  It was quite disappointing.

Moving down I see the wrinkles in my forehead and eyes.  On the inside of my right eye there is a red lesion. Doctors always ask me about it, but it’s been there as long as I can remember.  One of my eyes opens wider when I smile.  It’s because of a brief bout of Bell’s Palsy I had when I was 18.

My nose is another story.  It’s been broken three times as a result of an ill-advised amateur boxing career I did for a time in the Navy while stationed on Guam.  There are probably a few Chamorro fighters that wonder how their knuckles got so swollen.  My nose is to blame.

Grey mustache and yellowing teeth with one of my lateral incisors crossed up just a bit.  It’s my punishment for not wearing my retainer.

I must admit I was depressed for a bit.

And then I remembered what time of year it is.  Rutting season.

In the Fall, bucks will prioritize mating over everything else, namely their own personal safety.  Where I live in TN, this is the auto body shop guy’s favorite season.  Plenty of deer damage.

If a buck is lucky, they make it a few years without either being hunted or run over.  I’ve never actually seen an old buck, but if I did, it would look a lot like me.

Scars, visible aging, slowing skills…but STILL ALIVE!  Some bucks get lucky, but the SMART ones know how to survive.

So, I’m ok with that. I’m mostly lucky but have gotten somewhat smarter over the years.  Or maybe just a little wiser.

And I was happy with the guy staring back at me.

Who’s looking back at you from the mirror?