1990s brought about a lot of corporate speak.  One of the legendary phrases was “think outside the box.”  I remember using it when I was in the Navy, because let’s face it, the Navy is all about the box.  In other words, the culture was one of making decisions based on precedent or on what other commands were doing.  I never felt comfortable with this.

It wasn’t until years later when I learned about and began using the MBTI that I realized why I felt this way.  It has to do with the dichotomy of Sensing and iNtuition.    It’s all about how we gather and process information.

Those individuals with a preference for Sensing will gather and process information using their five senses:  smell, touch, taste, sight, and hearing.  In other words, they might not believe something unless they have definitive proof.  Proof that is tangible.  So, when it comes to thinking inside the box, that’s a comfortable place.  Everything that is trusted resides in the box.

On the other hand, those with a preference for iNtuition gather and process information using their sixth sense.  A gut feeling.  An intuition.  They think about possibilities rather than precedent.  Ideas come from all directions and some might seem outlandish.  In fact, “think outside the box” probably came from a frustrated employee when faced with a situation where nobody wanted to think beyond what was known and comfortable.

Keep in mind that neither preference is the right one.  It’s just what you’re comfortable with and what’s appropriate at the time.

So, what about you?

Are you all about the box or are you outside of it looking for the possibilities?

Think about it this week when you’re out busy solving problems.