Boss #1 to Boss #2:  “Hey howya’ doin’ today?”

Boss #2:  “Busy!”

Sound familiar?  It doesn’t even have to be bosses talking to each other.  Just find someone you know and check in on them and you’re likely to hear that response.

But it’s true right? Aren’t we all busy?

We are.  The challenge is separating the word from the excuse.

After all, when was the last time you were too busy to have ice cream?

When did you not have the time to go collect your long-awaited new iPhone?

Are you ever too busy to pick up a puppy and hug it?

Sometimes we’re legitimately busy.  Most of the time becomes and excuse for “I really don’t want to do a particular task.”

Could you be too busy to schedule a dental appointment?  A colonoscopy?  I visit with your mother-in-law?  Certainly.

So when it comes to painful tasks as The Boss, reevaluate your “busy.”

You should NEVER be too busy to:

  • Address an employee who has bad body odor.
  • Tell an employee they are being rude on the phone.
  • Meet one-on-one with an employee who needs career advice.
  • Call an candidate who did not get selected for the position and let them know.

It’s the uncomfortable stuff that makes you grow as The Boss.

Growth is good.

You should NEVER be too busy to grow.

What do you think?